Chess Opportunities Around Town

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Chess Club Starts September 10th

Dear Chess Club,

I look forward to seeing you starting the Monday after labor day, in the café as usual – please invite your friends! We will meet until 4:30p, with the officers only (AllieL, JonathanH, BeckaH, NickBa, and BenB) staying until 5:00p.

If you would like to participate in the CYO Chess League, please bring your $23 registration fee on Monday. There will be three league games against other schools beginning October 17th (one per week), followed by a tournament. Games will probably be on Wednesdays about 5pm. We will be fielding teams of four students in three divisions – 3rd Grade and Under, 6th Grade and Under, and 8th Grade and Under.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you’d like to be removed from my e-mail list,

In Christ,

Coach Mitchell

358-2780 (Day)

322-8528 (Eve)

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