Chess Opportunities Around Town

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Monday, May 14, 2007

Minutes - Includes Future Agenda Items


OLL Cafe

Attending: Ben, Nick, Zack, Rebecka, Allie
Absent: Jonathan (excused)

We didn't plan to have a meeting, but we went ahead since we had 4.

Assignments: Coach to create 4 time-out lists (one per table), and we will choose 4 Sargent-at-Arms (one per table) who will give and record warnings.

Discussion Items Remaining (in prioritized order):

Summer Chess / Summer Chess Officers
Duties (Snack, Trash, Lost & Found (Chess Pieces, food, etc.))
Chess Master
Inventory of Chess Pieces
Time for starting whisper time (After snack)
Pencil Shortage
Chess Clocks
Advisor Role
Purpose of Club
Job Descriptions w/ Procedures

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