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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Officer Meeting Agenda

This is a draft of the agenda for the first officer meeting.

Decide on Lourdes Open House:

If we participate, who is going? What to do/decorate? Demo?

Decide on Officer Duties:

President: Runs meetings, votes in case of a tie
Vice-President: Stands in for Pres. in absence
Secretary: Takes minutes, attendance, game results, updates blog
Treasurer: Tracks dues, expenses
Equipment Manager: Keeps closet in order, makes sure we don't lose/break

Decide on Name:

OLL Strategic Simulations Club?
OLL Chess Club?
Something else?

Decide on Membership (to approve Constitution):

Anyone who attends annual meeting?
Anyone who has paid dues at least X times in the past year?

Decide on Dues:

$.50/$1 per meeting, per person?
Letter from parent if they can't afford it?
When to collect (what do to if they don't pay?)?

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